Monday 6 July 2015

Curved transfer boards

Curved transfer board an ideal aid
to assist mobility. I find that
a looped sliding sheet between
the person and the board
protect the skin and makes it
easier to slide!
Over the last five years, I have found that the transfer board was difficult for untrained care workers or old allegedly experienced ones,  wearing 2in high stilettos hidden by their long wide black trouser legs (not quite the uniform...). There was a weekend when I had been very cold and tired when care workers had had to use a curved transfer board.

I do not think that they were bending the knees when they were leaning to bend and slide the board under me...One had been wearing her high hills which were necessary to her raised arches. Oh yeah, I thought...never heard such rubbish.

This is very important to someone like me who has had a gradual loss of strength and mobility. I have also been out of the scale of eligibility to receive help and found that it is necessary to find ways to surmount a problem. No being eligible means that you do not receive training to use a board until it is too late when you need it. People should be more familiar with this aid.

In 2008, a Prime Response Assistant considering my weakness which was a worry asked me if I had a transfer board.....

Having sent two of my personal care assistants to a local course on moving and handling loads and people (GRRR!); I have found out that there is no mention of the curved transfer board. I have found out that there is a common misconception about this aid... even from a Zurich  insurance representative. I have found out also that the course was allegedly having too much to cover yet there was time to have breaks or finish early.

The assistance does not require carrying anybody. Bending the knees is a minimum requirement! Multiple Sclerosis is unpredictable sometimes I have the strength to stand but it cannot last...I need a transfer board any day!

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